Could it be that Beverly Purdue the Democrat Governor of North Carolina let the strategy for the 2012 Elections out of the bag when she gave a recent speech where she suggested that Federal Elections in 2012 should be canceled? She explained the purpose of it would be so those in office can focus on "fixing" the country and "economy." Purdue just so happens to be the Host Governor for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. So, what do you do when the ensuing firestorm by calling for the first cancellation of Congressional and National elective offices in U.S. history spreads in this age of Facebook and Twitter? You lie your ass off and release a statement saying she was "clearly joking". Really? Well in this age of smart phones with video cameras and voice recorders you now get caught in a two-lies-for-one idiotic political gaffe. In the game of Black Jack they call that "Doubling Down". Clearly anybody listening to this actual video will hear in her own words, tone, and inflection that it was in earnest. I think she got a bargain deal picking up the available political damage control team that recently became available from Congressman Wiener's office. So this is just the latest example of stupidity followed by deceit followed by the truth will prevail.
I think George W. Bush summed up the Nation's sentiments perfectly with this speech marking the 10 year Anniversary of America's first Victory in the War on Terror amidst the wildflowers in a field in Pennsylvania. Victory?? You are thinking...? Absolutely!This place and the memorial site destined here are sacred ground in our war on terror that began on that terrible day 10 years ago. In marking this place as site of great trajedy in American history; it too is the site of America's first clear victory in the war on terror. When Todd Beamer said "Let's Roll" ordinary American's joined in to be the Citizen Soldiers that we American's all have instinctively, historically, and indelibly embedded in the DNA of our being. Todd and his fellow "soldiers" pushed forward to the cabin in their counterattack on Al Qaeda with the courage of Seal Team Six. They mirrored the sense of duty, sacrifice, and service of Ranger Pat Tillman, when they voted their course of action and began their difficult task in the first Counter-Offensive of the War on Terror in the back of American Airlines flight 93 over the bright skies of Pennsylvania. Their loved ones were able to tell them what happened in NY and the Pentagon, and they knew they must stop the terrorists at all costs. They fought for their own lives, and they fought for fellow citizens lives they would never know, but they died with the certain knowledge that their sacrifice was not in vain. They accomplished their mission and secured their victory with the certain Lethality of Seal Team Six in another Victory in the War on Terror at a non-descript Pakistani compound that was to come nearly 10 years later. The Americans honored at this site today started the offensive in our War against terror and absolutely scored the first victory of the many to follow. God Bless them all. Pray for their loved ones left behind, pray for comfort, peace and healing to assuage the pain of their loss for all who hurt on this terrible day. A day when America changed forever; yet also triumphed in so many ways, none better exemplified than by the example of these Citizen Soldier's who gave their all on Flight 93 over Shanksville, PA 10 years ago.
In Memoriam to these Citizen Soldiers of this first great victory in the War On Terror.
There were two pilots, five flight attendants and 38 passengers onboard flight UA 93.