Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Khalidi Tape Story Spiked by LA Times

Here is a copy of my emailed letter to the LA Times about their refusal to release a video tape of Obama, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Rashid Khalidi at a big, warm, Chicago elite send-off party for Khalidi to his new post in N.Y. City. It was quite the party by all accounts, terrorists galore, hard-core, soft-core, International, and Domestic there to toast and wish well the man of honor...... the King-size poster boy and apologist for Palestinian terror and the Anti-Semite extraordinaire; Mr. Rashid Khalidi!

I wonder why Barack Hussein Obama was there? What did he have to say there? What did he do? I sure wish I could see and hear his toast to the departing terrorist sympathizer and former spokesman for Yasser Arafat. But I can't. You can't either. The LA Times has decided to withhold and suppress the tape, effectively "spiking" the story to Obama's benefit.

My emailed letter to LA Times:

By suppressing the Obama-Khalidi tape and effectively attempting to "Spike" this story to favor Obama, you have exposed your agenda as propagandists for Obama and the Democratic party. This election marks the beginning of the end for the LameStream media. Withholding vital information from Americans. Selectively determining newsworthiness based upon your own agenda. This is just the latest in a pattern during the final days of election 2008. Ignoring stories like the possibility that Obama is an ineligible, foreign-born citizen about to thrust the nation into a horrific Constitutional Crisis at worst, and the fact that he is dodging and withholding information and lawsuits requiring him to prove his status by sealing all his birth, medical, and college records. Just his lack of openness, transparency, and candor about his past is a story worthy of examination yet seems of no concern to the "new" LameStream media of America.

I noticed how the media have given a free pass with their silent acquiescence when Obama/ Pelosi/Democrats repeatedly blamed Bush-McCain-Republicans and Wall Street Greed, and "lack of regulations" etc. for the financial crisis- when the clear facts show the Bush Administration, Treas. Sec. Snow, Greenspan , McCain and Republicans predicted what would happen without reforms and greater regulations on the Fannie and Freddie GSE's that were the trip-wire leading to the full meltdown. The warnings were clear and loud starting by Bush in 2001, reiterated by Treas Sec. Snow in 2002, Greenspan in 2002, and Republican Congressional and Senate leadership in 2004 and argued on the Senate Floor in 2005/2006 by McCain and other Senate Republicans, and a few concerned Democrats, like Lieberman. The rest of the Democrats, led by Frank, Pelosi, Waters, Meeks, Schumer, Dodd, and Barack Obama blocked, thwarted, fought, opposed, and stymied any and all efforts to reform, regulate or shore up the GSE's, even with the clear and unmistakable evidence of massive fraud, mismanagement, and abuses; because they were effectively bought and paid-for lobbyists on the payroll for the GSE's.

America's media have watched, and allowed without a challenge via their silence as those responsible for our economic collapse, the Democrats and their leadership, transfer and affix the blame on the innocent party and players- perhaps winning an election because they were able to get away with it. Scot Free. Now that is a real-life and true story of fraud and bearing false witness on a Biblical scale! The new "Greatest Story Never Told". I am glad Charlton Heston isn't alive to see this version.

But thanks to your inquisitive minds and critical nose for the hard news.... I now know that Sarah Palin has a spiffy new wardrobe, and her husband Todd Palin had a DUI 22 years ago. Thankfully, we Americans don't have to worry about those minor issues facing Obama, issues like video of him hob-nobbing with anti-Semite terrorists, with domestic terrorists that he publicly stated prior to this tapes existence, were characterized as informally casual and distant, obviously a lie. Well thanks, I won't need to lose sleep over the unresolved questions about his US Citizenship, and the like as you have already vetted their lack of consequence for us by filtering anything that may damage our views of your anointed one.

America's media is fast becoming irrelevant because Americans have to find what they should be providing elsewhere. How is your circulation doing lately at the LA Times?
I am sure the NY Times can't accept the reality that their declining subscriber base and recent Bond rating status to "junk" are inextricably linked to the public perception and determination of their failing trustworthiness, objectivity, and relevance.

Release the Obama-Khalidi tape. It's newsworthy, don't filter or bias the news with the Spike.

Michael R. Bednarz
Proud charter member of The "New" media.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Federal Judge dismisses the Foreign Citizenship lawsuit against Obama - Is the fix in?

Here is the latest in the continuing saga of my previous article from October 23, 2008 asking the crucial question: Is Obama not a U.S. Citizen? He Refuses to Answer Federal Lawsuit to Remove him from Ballot

The judge in the case of Berg v. Obama at 6:35 PM on Friday the 24th, (what better time to for the judge to avoid any attention than a late Friday evening weekend decision and press release that would lead to the HUGE coverage like this big 4 paragraph "story" by the MSM and Associated Press) dismissed the case against Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick's reasoning was primarily that Philip J. Berg esq. as Plaintiff didn't have "standing." Which in attorney-speak means he failed to prove or show how he would be "harmed" i.e. where the typical criteria in Civil Lawsuits is to show monetary harm to the plaintiff. Berg didn't cite any specific numerical dollar amount nor did he seek any; he asked simply for injunctive and restraining relief vs. Obama and the DNC.

Berg v. Obama's remedy required Obama and the DNC to simply prove Obama's citizenship and eligibility to be POTUS. If you can't (or won't) the judge had to order you off the ballot as a candidate for POTUS and the DNC must substitute a qualified candidate in all 50 states. Then, if shown to be ineligible as candidate for POTUS the judge would further rule on whether Sen. Obama meets the standards laid out for his currently held elective office and any criminal fraud referrals subsequent to illegal actions. Here is why I think the judge is so wrong on the issue of "standing". There are many instances where civil suits provide redress for Defamation and Slander that have no monetary relevance. An example would be the harm to your character, reputation, or public standing in a community by someones actions that are defaming or libelous, it's not always measurable solely as a tangible dollar amount.

Berg, evidently didn't impress upon the judge with his "standing" as a U.S. citizen, life-long 30+ year Democratic Party member, former Deputy Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania for Governor and U.S. Senate, and as a currently licensed and practicing Attorney sworn to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution; that he had no standing or would be harmed significantly enough by the actions of an unraveled political party, political system, and national crisis ensured with a fraudulent candidate perhaps winning election as POTUS. For Gods sakes if he has no standing, what chance do we average citizens have?

The judge actually decided he wouldn't be harmed and lacked standing? Excuse me? Easily a point of contention on appeal to the Supreme Court of the U.S. in my humble albeit common-sense based opinion. Really, who could accurately predict how much unfathomable economic "harm" or mayhem would befall the nation when it is thrust into virtual civil war or civil unrest of an unprecedented scale when Obama supporters fail to appreciate why after being elected; he would not be allowed to become President? Just think back to L.A. a couple decades ago and how the Rodney King verdict was received. Now apply a multiplication factor to that across our nation? What would it be, 10x, 20x, or even hundreds of times worse? Particularly given the fact that our American Media have done such a superlative job of avoiding this story nor reporting the existence of these lawsuits. No examination in-depth of the possibility that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS has been performed by the MSM. If he loses, this will appear not as a Constitutional mandate, but will be perceived by the masses as a blind-side sucker punch coming out of nowhere from Right field. The ensuing rage of incorrectly perceived injustice will make the American Media culpable and responsible for the severity of the reaction by way of their insistence to keep most Americans unaware of this story.

Could this be the "Crisis" that Joe Biden said "mark my words it will happen" and would fall upon Barack Obama shortly after he takes office? We all just assumed the action or test to be of an International or Terrorist nature from abroad. But what if this potential Constitutional crisis is what Joe inferred? Uncle Joe then went on to explain as he asked Obama supporters in Seattle that they would 'need to stand by Obama when it appears he did the wrong thing'?

The judge in Berg v. Obama was gutless and vapid. He further reasoned that it would be up to Congress and the Government to verify and determine presidential eligibility so he reasoned that Berg didn't have "standing" in that regard either. A completely ignorant basis for that decision as every third grader should know the Political parties have always been responsible for selecting and putting forth candidates and with that they should be qualified and "vetted" candidates for political office, on the local, state and Federal level. The Government does not choose who our candidates are going to be; we the people choose. As Berg stated, we are a government by the People, for the People. If we the people do not have "standing"; then we are not America any longer.

Berg released this Press Release, promising to take the appeal of his case now directly to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
Given the judges own comments in his argument to dismiss, the best hope is with the suits that are filed with the states and the Attorney Generals that have the "governmental responsibility" for determining the eligibility of candidates on the ballots.

Also, in other suit news regarding Obama's citizenship status lawsuits, the judge in Hawaii a few weeks ago ruled on granting a hearing for an out of state citizens' lawsuit filed under the FOI (Freedom of Information Act) by Andrew Martin demanding Hawaii officials must make any of the "sealed" records or official documents (or confirm the lack thereof) relating to Obama's birth and hospital records available. The suit had asked for immediate access, or in any event not later than before the election. The judge granted them the hearing date and access to the documents, but after the election for Nov. 7th. Progress! Although it's a belated victory with the post-election date for release of documents; it is a victory for the right of access to information that Americans have a right to know about.

Wait a minute..hold on now.....they can't have any of that! On October 22nd, the defendants (State of Hawaii) appealed the lower judges ruling to the Hawaii Supreme Court. Why would they appeal a lower judges ruling about Obama's birth records? What do they care that in the judges view the request was a legitimate and lawful request for information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOI)? The Hawaii Supreme Court reviewd and reversed the lower courts ruling and have blocked the FOI request and the Obama birth records will remain sealed unless presumably ordered by the Supreme Court of the U.S. should Berg's appeal to the Supreme Court be heard, and is successful.

Could the Fix be in with the Democratic powers-that-be of Hawaii? This all occurs just when Obama is coincidentally traveling there to visit his reportedly ailing Grandmother just a day or two of the Hawaii Supreme Court decision? It sure doesn't pass the smell test to me. Just how powerful is the Democratic party in Hawaii? Local political experts predict that after the election Nov. 4th, the Hawaii State Senate will include only 2 Republicans in it's 25 member body. The Hawaii House of Representatives will number only 7 or 8 in it's 51 seat chamber. The total legislative Republican representation is about 10 of 76 elected seats. While it is true that the Governor of Hawaii is a Republican, she governs a state where effectively the entire state and local governments and bureaucracies are under Democrat control and power. Virtually all the judicial appointees have been made within this systemic domination after so many decades of this political monopoly.

Hey Sen. Obama, why are you hiding behind all these judges, lawyers, and legal tactics? All we concerned and doubting Americans want is one thing; the same thing that we all have to provide now just to visit Mexico, or Canada. Provide the legitimate proof required of your natural born citizenship and therefore eligibility to run for President of the United States of America. Why is this so hard? Why put the nation through the doubt, uncertainty and angst?

I am left with only one conclusion. Because you can't prove it. You aren't the qualified natural born citizen as stipulated by Article II of the U.S. Constitution; if you were you would have proved it to us already.

Barack Hussein Obama the time has come to put up or stand down. This nation c a n n o t survive a Constitutional Crisis of this magnitude should it come to that, especially on the heels of our current financial crisis. For the welfare of this nation you need to respond, reveal and prove; not obfuscate, ignore, delay, dismiss, hide or block any longer. Prove your legitimacy. Act like a President even if it is learned you aren't qualified to be one; and put America and Americans first.

For the sake of America and the sanctity of our Constitution; prove it, or end it.

Michael R. Bednarz

Additional information about other suits and the states filed are here below:

Non-partisan and independent reviews and examinations of Obama’s birth certificate as shown on his official website has evidence of tampering and in any case does not list any of the points of information commonly found which would make it traceable and verifiable such as hospital, doctor, size weight, foot prints etc.

Interestingly, all these state lawsuits would be dropped if Mr. Obama would simply provide the requested documents supporting his claim of being born in Hawaii.

Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day. For more information about each lawsuit, contact:

(HI) Andy Martin at email: AndyMart20@aol.com current status: http://countusout.wordpress.com/2008/10/23/hawaii-supreme-court-refuses-to-order-release-of-obama%e2%80%99s-original-birth-certificate/#comment-2106

(WA) Steve Marquis email: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org ; website: www.peoplespassion.org

(CA) David Archbold email darchbo1@gmail.com

(GA) Tom Terry email: kingdommatters@gmail.com

(PA) Philip Berg email: philjberg@obamacrimes.com ; website: www.obamacrimes.com

(NY) Dan Smith email: Dansmith1954@aol.com

(CT) Cort Wrotnowski email: Metaqubit@aol.com

(VA) Richmond, Virginia — A Petition for Writ of Mandamus was filed in Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, October 22 before the Honorable Walter W. Stout III.

(OH) David M. Neal of Turtlecreek Township - Warren Common Pleas Court in Lebanon


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama not a U.S. Citizen? He Refuses to Answer Federal Lawsuit to remove him as Candidate

Now here is an "October Surprise"! Is Barack Hussein Obama not an eligible candidate for President of the United Status of America? The surprise comes in the form of a lawsuit filed by a lifelong Democrat Philip J. Berg Esquire, in Pennsylvania. In this lawsuit he alleges just that. Is Obama a Kenyan, or Indonesian citizen and therefore ineligible under Article II of the U.S. Constitution to run for POTUS (President of the United States)? If true this would be the greatest Constitutional crisis in our history, and raises the serious ramifications for a violent scenario should Obama supporters not accept or appreciate the legally required dismissal of his Presidency as a result of Constitutional eligibility disqualification.

Should this occur, the resultant violence and mayhem would be on the hands of Barack Hussein Obama and Howard Dean of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party et al. by their failure to respond to the lawsuit filed back on August 21, 2008 before they "certified" and nominated Obama as their candidate, or even later up to and beyond the time of the election. If it is proved after the election of Obama, the magnitude of that fraud should lead to the termination of their party with the incredulous and defrauded Americans forever. Berg's lawsuit simply asks for one thing- prove it.

I had heard of controversy about Obama possibly being foreign-born and perhaps not even a legal US Citizen. Initially, I dismissed these claims without any review like most Americans as being outlandish and impossible accusations by conspiracy theory whacko's wearing tin-foil hats and hiding from Black helicopters. Surely he couldn't have come this far, and missed the media scrutiny that would have confirmed his eligibility, right?

But wait.... I recently asked myself with America's media so in the tank for Obama that they can't even report the evident truths on a myriad array of issues, like his connections with left-wing radical terrorists, or his associations with ACORN and his funding for their voter fraud activities, or their inability to report the factual truth as to how Obama and the Democrats enabled and protected Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into their economic collapse-- only then to lay the blame on Bush, McCain, Republicans and any other innocent party; perhaps the MSM (main stream media) have buried this issue as well? So, I decided to scratch the surface and look further into these rumors and suggestions of his foreign citizenship.

Well folks, this is the new Greatest Story Never Told by our MSM. I did some scratching which then led to excavation and what I have learned is of great cause for concern. I have found these sources of information to be quite credible and the questions they raise to be very serious and disturbing for all Americans interested in the sanctity and rule of law entrusted to our Constitution.

Did you know there is currently a lawsuit filed against Barack Obama to provide legally recognized original birth documents proving his citizenship that was filed since before the Democratic National Convention, or for more than a month and a half? Did you know Obama and the Democratic National Committee who are named in the Federal lawsuit have refused and resisted all efforts to produce these documents or respond to the allegations of the complaint? The man filing the lawsuit is a prominent attorney named Philip J. Berg Esquire, an American Patriot and a lifelong Democrat who is a former Deputy Attorney General in Pennsylvania and has run for office in Pennsylvania for Governor and a U.S. Senate seat- as a Democrat. His motive is purely based upon his concern and reverence for the U.S. Constitution and it's clear requirements and standards for presidential eligibility.

Did you know to quell the controversy and rumors prior to the lawsuit Obama posted what his campaign claimed was an original Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth and that basic and amateur analysis shows it could be a forged document? That the defending organization that Obama used to verify the correctness and accuracy of this posted document (www.factcheck.org) which positions itself as a non-partisan independent organization for truth- but is an Annenberg Foundation entity. Yes, that is the same organization as the Annenberg Challenge "Charity" that Obama served as the Board Chairman of just a few years back with his good pal William "The Terrorist" Ayers where together they doled out over $50,000,000.00 million dollars to their "worthy recipients" like ACORN and Obama's own Trinity Church of Christ headed by his America-hating Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.

Did you know that Obama's sisters and Kenyan relatives have provided inconsistent answers about the hospital(s) where Obama was born, and some family relatives including his paternal Grandmother claimed that they witnessed his birth in Mobasa Kenya? Did you know that experts state that under constitutional standards because only Barack's mother was an American citizen and his father was Kenyan, even if he proved he was born in Hawaii because both parents weren't Natural born U.S. citizens; the requirement for his mothers age at time of birth had to be 21 years of age for his eligibility? She was only 18.

Visit this website: www.obamacrimes.com
Philip J. Berg, Esq. Lawsuit in Fed Court vs. Obama and DNC

This is a great link that goes to the District Court Docket site- BERG vs. OBAMA et al

Visit this official Federal District Court site to see all the filings,documents and timelines of Obama and the DNC lawyers trying to block, delay, and obfuscate---- Doing anything and everything they can except simply turning over the documents and simple proof required to end the suit, documents and proof that would be similar to obtaining a passport and Visa.

Here is a copy of the "Amended" suit, which adds the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth to the suit filed in Federal District Court on Aug. 21st, 2008. The text and arguments are very similar.



Copy of Protective order Response filed by Berg: if Obama and DNC do not answer or deny by Oct. 15th, 2008, they "admit" to each claim. They failed to respond and the court recognizes admission.

Also this local citizen in Washington State has filed suit against our Secretary of State Sam Reed to strike Obama from our ballot unless the Secretary of State for Washington can verify his citizenship and natural born eligibility status under U.S. Constitutional requirements.

http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20081014/BLOG13/810149964 Everett Herald Article on the Lawsuit

http://peoplespassions.org/peoplesvoice/Lawsuit_Sam_Reed/Press_Release_08_10_10.htm Press Release by Steve Marquis of Fall City bringing Wash State lawsuit to Sec. State Reed for verifying Obama eligibility or striking him from ballot.

http://peoplespassions.org/peoplesvoice/Lawsuit_Sam_Reed/Complaint_Final.htm Copy of Steve Marquis lawsuit to Secretary of State for Washington Sam Reed

UPDATE: Over the weekend Oct. 17th-19th, I personally copied the JPEG image of the COL "Certificate of Live Birth" Obama presents on his "fightthesmears.com" section of Obama's own website. I then used a photo editor program called IRFAN view and did my own HEX editor view of the document to verify his result. Right at the top are the words ADOBE which indicates it's edit history was with ADOBE software, there are obvious alterations in the HEX view editor that shows Black squares similar to what video 2 below shows. Because he used ADOBE Photoshop to analyze perhaps he got more edit information than my simple freeware program showed. I am no expert, but I am not convinced this document is beyond reproach. We need the original Hospital long form birth record, required in Berg's lawsuit; not some document provided on an affiliated Obama linked organization's website.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA6_k3NtXZs Obama Lawsuit to prove citizenship

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIsQJNTvlUE Obama's Website posted birth document (since removed) That shows fraud and possible evidence of alteration with Adobe Photoshop

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scjF5oB-JXk Analysis of the "SEAL" on Obama's certificate (i did the same process, couldn't get any legible text)

I am not saying that this is confirmed fact, but there are great questions and legitimacy to these questions and they are ones that Obama and the DNC can end. Certaninly the consequences of these allegations being found correct after the election would be horrific. Obama and the DNC (Democratic National Committee) must expedite and cooperate in answering the allegations of the suit, ignoring and delaying this is not acceptable 13 days prior to the election; simply comply with the requested standards and put it to rest. For the sake of America and our Constitution.

It's twelve days before the election, now ask yourself, why haven't we heard about any of this in our National print or television main stream media? We may be on the verge of being duped into electing a foreign national as our President of the United States of America. The greatest fraud in our history may be perpetrated on this nation by Obama and the DNC and Democrat Party leading to a Constitutional crisis that would lead to Civil War-like consequences.

So, what do you see? This morning after already two days of coverage--- there on the front page of the Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper, is a story on the "controversy" about the McCain-Palin Campaign purchasing a wardrobe for Palin and her family- with funds from people who were happy to contribute to their election; not taxpayer funds.

Hey American media, with 12 days to the election how about an investigative story on the possibility of Obama being a Foreign National? Or more evidence of the true nature of Bill Ayers as an avowed communist, and terrorist being his political patron and sponsor? Report the truth that his claims of Bush and Republican policies causing the financial meltdown are patently false, and the FACT that Obama and the Democrats caused the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures and the economic Tsunami that followed?

I guess the media has Palin's wardrobe as a higher priority for America. God Help us. If they won't report this lawsuit and Obama's and the DNC's actions, or more accurately inactions in regards to the critical issues it puts forth. We Americans must get the word out. Share this article and information with everyone that you can and be sure that they demand that the media examines and investigates the critical issue of this campaign: whether Barack Hussein Obama even has the right to be on the ballot?

Michael R. Bednarz


Saturday, October 11, 2008

More evidence for the Case of U.S. Voters vs. Obama and Democratic Party for causing Economic Meltdown- GUILTY! Now, lets Vote to Convict!!

Prior to the Democrats taking the majority in the House and Senate races of 2006 the Republicans held hearings into fraud and problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that regulators had discovered after concerns were raised by Bush and House and Senate Republicans. John McCain amongst other Republican lawmakers sponsored new tougher legislation to provide new reforms, stronger new regulatory oversight and changes to ensure their financial solvency and strength. They tried to get bipartisan support with Democrats to make these changes and pass these laws. McCain and others were blocked, stymied, ridiculed and berated by Democrats that opposed them vehemently at every turn. (as you will see so clearly see and hear in the demeanor and shrill tone of the Democrats protecting their beloved Fannie and Freddie Gravy-Train) Republicans didn't have enough of a majority to pass the legislation and reforms and there weren't enough Democrats in the House and Senate willing to cross the aisle and join the Republicans to enact these clearly needed and necessary reforms of the GSE's. The only thing McCain and Republicans were able to accomplish was to force Franklin Raines out as CEO in light of his mismanagement and fraudulent practices. They were also unable to get Democrats to help them pursue Justice Department criminal proceedings against Raine's for his actions. Raine's received a wrist-slap in a settlement in 2008 for the civil case filed by the oversight government agency. Following that settlement with some paltry fines (paid out mostly from his insurance policies). Then after that Fannie (remember these are government owned- taxpayer supported quasi-government/private corporations) had to pay out a $400 million dollar fine for his actions at the helm to the Securities and Exchange Commission. If the Democrats now had the stomach to pursue criminal charges against Raine's and others like him, (McCain promised publicly on Thursday he will pursue criminal charges for those responsible when he is elected) he would be easy to find- just contact the Obama campaign that has turned to him as an adviser for housing, financial and mortgage issues. (The Obama campaign claims Raine's doesn't work for the campaign- he's not paid. No, so he is simply an "unpaid" adviser?/ Oh...Okey doke, I feel much better now don't you? Nice of him to "donate" his expertise to Obama because of the the $50 million plus he "earned" in his years at Fannie afford him the luxury to help out at no charge.

During these hearings Democrats provide all the evidence with their own words against themselves and showing what liars they are in full living color about who is really responsible for our economic collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These GSE's (Government Sponsored Enterprise) Mortgage Companies that started this meltdown and chain reaction and Domino effect we are experiencing with banks and the stock market as a result. Watch Congressional Democrats as they try to dismiss and discount the criminal fraud and problems the regulators discovered. They then go on the offensive using their power to crucify, intimidate, berate, and impugn the integrity and motives of diligent and competent public servants doing their part to protect Americans and taxpayers. Wait a minute, isn't that what the Legislators are sworn to do as elected officials? They lay into these oversight regulators and accountants testifying under oath about the impending doom their reports have revealed and the documented criminal fraud within the Companies (accounting fraud discoveries like meeting loan origination percentage target goals that if met paid multi-million dollar bonuses to Frank Raines, the CEO, and were met to the exact penny so he got his bonuses) and their calls for action to regulate and make immediate changes to prevent collapse. The Democrat protectors were will have NONE of it. The alarmists and those calling for increased oversight, strong reforms and more powerful and effective regulation-- are all the Republicans.


Video from Republican sponsored Congressional Hearings about accounting fraud, crimes and mismanagement of the GSE's, aka Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Video of Barack Obama & Congressional Black Caucus with Fannie Mae Executive at Swearing in Ceremony of the "2006 Family".

The November 2006 elections bring the Democrats control of the the House and Senate and with it they take over control of the oversight of Fannie and Freddie. The White House does not have oversight authority over these GSE organizations; the House and Senate do. It is irrefutably documented that Bush and then Treasury Secretary Snow strongly pushed for investigations, reforms, and oversight with Congress into these entities, as early as 2001 but they could only request, and advise the Congress- it was up to Congress to act. Republicans tried when they were in charge, but were thwarted and blocked at every turn by the Democrats who because of the narrow margin of their majority and Democratic solidarity on their party-line votes.

The Democrats won control of the House and Senate in 2006 with great financial help from Fannie and Freddie political contributions that were most generous. In fact these GSE's converted Congressman and Senators like Barney Frank, Barack Obama and Christopher Dodd, and the entire Congressional Black Caucus into paid lobbyists for their agenda with their contributions, effectively converting our Democratic party lawmakers into their full-time paid lobbyists and as the new CEO of Fannie Mae said, "members of the family". That massive Fannie and Freddie money was clearly well spent to help them defeat and rid them of their troublesome Republican tormentors -- we were all doomed as soon as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid grabbed their gavels and announced 'the beginning of a new era of accountability, an end to Republican corruption and their Lobbyist friends, and the end of Republican's lack of bipartisan cooperation in government'. It was like all those bad things never happened, and starting that day it just magically all went away...........until now when it couldn't be hidden any longer. All the statements and the warnings offered by the Republicans predicted precisely what we are watching occur now in real time.

September 2008, Republican lawmakers who predicted and tried to stop this meltdown years ago are forced into joining with Bush and the Democrat criminal perpetrators of this debacle to support an Economic Recovery Plan costing nearly One Trillion Dollars without any real recourse. What was their choice? To shut off the water from the hydrant and let our nation's economy and citizens lives burn to the ground? Or bite their tongue and work together for the sake of Americans and help turn the water hydrant valve to put out the fire? They must chose the latter, even in this magnanimous example and moment of this Republican bipartisan spirit of restraint for the good of the country, Speaker Nancy Pelosi can't contain herself and miss an opportunity to propogandize and lay the great lie on the Republicans. She did this before the Republicans even had the chance to vote on the initial draft of the rescue plan. Simply amazing, only in the America of 2008 can something so insane and laughable; if it wasn't so serious occur.

After you have watched these video's and hear their own words... in the full context of their testimony ask yourself how much money have you lost over this and how much more will you lose? How much longer will you have to work before retiring? How much further will our nation march toward Socialism and government intrusion into the private sector to stave off collapse as a result of this?

Now ask yourself. How can the American Media not report these truth's? How can I as just some some pee-on blogger (and tens of thousands like me) in Quilcene, Washington go on YouTube and find this clear proof of their Congressional on-the-record testimony and guilt in about 10 minutes, verify the facts within 30 minutes with a simple search on the Internet and publish and post it in less than an hour, yet after many weeks of this crisis and with all their resources the majority of our mainstream media can't, or won't? If this isn't full evidence to the state of liberal media bias, no wait bias isn't strong enough- conspiracy is more accurate... in America and their desire to elect their candidate, I don't know what is. How can Barack Obama and the Democrats who clearly are the ones responsible transfer their full blame and responsibility to the innocent Bush, Republicans and McCain? Only with the partnership of the media that are aiding and abetting them in this crime and enabling them to win the White House and gain all power in America!

Obama and the Democrats are successfully convincing American voters with the passive acquiescence of a loyal liberal media in the tank that Bush/Republicans/McCain are to blame, and it appears they are going to win the election because of it. Imagine, the guilty rewarded with winning the election by blaming the innocent? That will be a "Change" to our American ideals and ways.

Fast forward>>> The Associated Press, Washington, D.C. September 29th, 2011
Here is a probable headline: Democrats hold Hearings about NHCIC on the Hill Today

The first sentence will go something like this...The Democrats have opened hearings on Capitol Hill to affirm the solvency and soundness of the National Health Care Insurance Corporation, Social Security and Medicare Trust funds against charges and concerns by Republicans of a massive coverup and impending totality of collapse......

They will hold all power with the House, Senate, and Presidency...with Obama's two new Supreme Court Appointee's and their favorable decisions they have no fear of court interference as they transform our Republic with opinions that show the enlightened flexibility of the modern interpretation of our Constitution. The hearings are being held in Congress with prodding from those few pesky Republican Congressman and their constituents' massive calls and letters about the impending and total collapse of our new GSE, The National Health Care Insurance Corporation with reports of it's insolvency by Government regulators and investigators and also on the crisis to our Social Security and Medicare trust funds that the Democrats borrowed from to shore up the new NHCIC leading to the massive tax and Social Security tax increases they rammed through both chambers using their super-majority for President Obama's prompt signature. This was to date the largest bail-out in American history at Three Trillion dollars for NHCIC and with an as yet undetermined amount for the Social Security Funds that experts predict could be more than double the NHCIC final bailout.

Can you see from these videos what those hearings would be like? Can you imagine the state of the economy and the pain that will follow those future hearings following 3 or 4 years of inaction and Democrat control having ignored problems brought forth in the hearings?

Are we as Americans going to let this unprecedented injustice happen? Are we Americans really about to reward these criminals and liars with the White House? Ignore the polls, BE SURE TO VOTE, it's not over! We cannot allow the guilty to be rewarded on such an unprecedented scale and scope for causing the largest criminal action and fraud against the American people in our nations history!

Make your vote on November 4th your verdict as a juror on the evidence before you in the court of Truth.

Be sure to vote these criminals out of Congress and keep Obama out of the White House. Vote Republican for the House and Senate, vote McCain, and while you are at it Washingtonians, please vote for Dino Rossi Governor.

If for nothing but out of respect for truth and justice. Please help stop this madness, forward this to at least 10, and when you do ask them to forward it to 10 more.

Michael R. Bednarz


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bush, McCain, and Republicans at fault for Meltdown? Oh really.....?

Hey don't read this or watch the video's that are linked if you don't think you want to know, or want the truth. Just delete it. If you want to go beyond the sound bites and spin and have the courage to learn the truth, then read on and watch the videos.

Can we Americans handle the truth? Can the mainstream media (Fox News excepted) do their job and find the truth? Hell no. They for the most part just promote and play the Democrat and Obama accusations of blame without any verification, fact-checking or questioning if the Democrats could in fact be guilty in whole or even part. Barack stated in the debate and numerous times during the campaign that he sounded the alarm in a letter to the Treasury Secretary about "predatory lending and sub-prime mortages" as though he wanted to reign in Fannie and Freddie. This is a missrepresentation of his real position and motive of his letter. His concern was about the higher interest and points charged to low income and minority borrowers by lenders to responsibly price for the higher risk in granting a loan, which arguably shouldn't have even been made at the existing rates and standards as it was. Obama's focus and intent was to pressure them to lower the rates and points, thereby forcing lenders to lower credit standards, and not insulate risk through pricing of interest that is the first rule in banking. This is the very thing that exacerbated and magnified this mess. He didn't dare poke at Fannie or Freddie because he was their number 2 man for contributions, and his campaign was the top employer of fired CEO's and Board members from these quasi governmental mortage buyers.

Because the media in America haven't reported the truth Americans have incorrectly pinned responsibility on the mostly if not competely innocent parties like Bush and McCain and may just elect those who are actually responsible. Obama is climbing in the polls because of his unjust and unwarranted lies in pinning blame by capitalizing on the hatred of Bush and Cheney that the Democrat party and Left have fomented and cultivated for 8 years into the pinnacle of cynicism we are at now. They have chosen well to strategically unleash it in an orgy of opportunism 4 weeks before the election to push themselves to complete power. They are "banking" that before the truth comes out they will be in power. As the guilty party they will find great solace in the fact that they were able to gull the willing dupes of America into giving them the reigns to full control of our nation, economy and future well being by holding the House, Senate, and White House.

This video does answer the question as to why the Democrats who wouldn't cross the aisle to give CPR to Bush or a Republican Rep. or Senator who is having full cardiac arrest, would be so bi-partisan and eager to be working with Bush and Republicans on the rescue legislation.

The link below goes to a News report and includes facts, dates, time lines, recorded comments, and Congressional Records there is even a link to verify contributions that are cited in the report. It is not some lie spewed by Obama, or Biden at a campaign rally or during a nationally televised debate like Obama did last night (remember the Obama accusations of Bush/Republican/McCain support for less regulation and reform on financial institutions, including Fannie and Freddie when you see the video) only to be regurgitated by the biased media and presented to the voters as fact.

THESE ARE IMPORTANT VIDEOS please forward this email and share it with everyone you can as it imperative that we get the truth out with the demise and absence of a a once objective and critical investigative media.

This link is from Fox News report by Brit Hume:


Here is another link on a special report from Hannity's America commentary program as to who the exec's are advising Obama on critical matters, including financial and housing issues. Certainly they are amongst those that are telling him how to blame Republicans and Bush for "greed" and "obscene CEO pay and corruption" and are the ones that will advise him how to "fix" the problem we are in if he becomes President.


Still not buying it? Put down your glass of Obama Kool-Aid and don't take my word for it. Take Bill Clinton's word for it and watch this next video. President Bill Clinton says it clearly, and plainly just a couple weeks ago. (Apparently before the "official" talking points went out)


Remember in 2006 McCain co-sponsored the bill to reform Fannie, Freddie and spelled out what was coming if the bi-partisan reforms and regulatory action wasn't enacted. It was defeated in committee by the Democrats in a party line vote. If we don't know the truth of this debacle, we will repeat it.

I close with a quote by Peter Berger: "The past is malleable and flexible, changing as our recollection interprets and re-explains what has happened."

But, let me add: Only if the truth doesn't matter. Well, does it? I guess we will find out on November 5th.

Michael Bednarz


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sarah Palin is right on target about Obama and Terrorist Pals like Bill Ayers

Sarah Palin took off the gloves recently about Obama's association with known Leftists/Terrorists including William "Bill" Ayers. Now as a result of her allegations the mainstream media is finally forced to do something they are loathe to do... journalistic investigation into a Liberal they are trying to get elected. Oh the Horror! In a rare moment of real journalism CNN actually takes the Obama camp to task and confirms Palin's claims as to the depth of the coziness in Obama's ties to the radical leftist self-proclaimed little "c" communist terrorist, William Ayers. The standard Obama campaign response line is basically something like 'he doesn't approve or condone any of Ayers previous activities or statements; activities that occurred when Obama was just a young boy'. This response is banal at best, like suggesting that this nice old man you been hanging around with in Cambodia named Pol Pot and whose previous actions were known to you but is a decent guy now. Besides I was only 8 years old when he did those bad things that I don't approve of.

So who is William Ayers, his wife Bernadine Dohrn and these friends/political patrons of Barack Hussein Obama? Ayers is now a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, holding the "honor" of Distinguished Professor. Ayers was a founder and member of the violent and radical anti-war communist terror group The Weather Underground. The WU formed in the late 60's and early 70's under the premise of direct and violent action against the United States Government under their declaration of war (made by Ayers wife, Bonnie Dohrn). Ayers/Dohrn participated in terrorist bombings of a N.Y.P.D. police precinct, the Pentagon, and many other targets including homes of private individuals they considered enemies and put on their hit lists. Their organization killed many people, Ayers and Dohrn even raised a child as their own of a convicted murderer of four NY Policeman/Brinks guards during the N.Y. City Brinks Armored Car heist. Ayers and Dohrn escaped justice for bombing the Police Precinct, Pentagon, Capitol Building and multiple murders and robberies because of a procedural error in obtaining a wire-tap surveillance warrant and the Justice Departments case was thrown out by a liberal weenie judge on a technicality providing him, his wife, and others with double-jeopardy protection. This has enabled his brazen admissions and arrogance of unrepentant pride in their public promotion and acknowledgment of their complicity in these acts.

The day after the 9/11 attacks (evidently it brought back fond memories and feelings) Ayers was quoted by the New York Times in an interview released Sept. 11, 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." He posed for a photograph accompanying the piece that shows him stepping on an American flag (shown above).

Obama lived in the same neighborhood as Ayers in Chicago. Ayers hosted Obama for a vacating State Senate seat for a political coming out party in 1995 at the Ayers home just a few months after Ayers recruited and placed Obama as Chairman on his Annenberg Challenge board. At this time Obama secured Ayers endorsement (Ayers was a supporter of the socialist leftist fusion effort of "The New Party" and gave Barack his endorsement when he agreed to accept the New Party Agenda)for State Senator. Ayers' terrorist wife Bernadine Dohrn (quoted on the Manson Murders of Sharon Tate: "Dig It. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!") worked together for many years with Michelle Obama at her law firm in Chicago. Barack was recuited by Bill Ayers to Chair the Board of Directors of the Annenberg Project in Chicago, an educational foundation espousing educational reforms with views and educational reforms promoted by Ayers to (brainwash) our children. They worked so well together that they teamed up on the board of the Wood Foundation; don't forget these are paid board positions. To suggest only a casual acquaintance relationship as the Obama campaign contends given at least the 20 times on record that they met for board activities for the Annenberg Challenge alone in sessions where Ayers secured grants were doled out by Obama in the tens of millions of dollars. Grants that went to worthy Obama and Ayers recipients including Obama's own Reverend the "Angry" Jeremiah Wright at the Trinity Church of Christ, Father Pfleger and other America-hating radicals who worked on legislation, grants, and Democrat/"New Party" party business in his Senate District. For Obama to minimize and suggest a lightweight and casual acquaintance between Obama and Ayers as the Obama campaign has promoted; is an outright lie.

Why is who Obama pals around with germane and relevant with so many issues facing this Nation and our Economic and National Security important? Judgment. Character. Core beliefs. Values.

If these America-hating terrorists are the people and politics that you associate with you represent their values and positions when you secure political patronage, support and funding from them. I believe it shows your real beliefs and privately held values that you hide beneath those you put out for public consumption and valuation. Two old sage metaphors are applicable here. Where there's smoke- theres fire. And..... You are the company you keep. Hopefully, Americans will not be duped by a liberal mainstream media enthralled by his messianic charm and their desire for affecting the outcome to the candidate of their favor.

Thanks go to Sarah Palin for having the Thatcher-like cojones to bring it to the forefront of the debate just who Obama's political patrons, associates and like-minded supporters are. Maybe now the mainstream media will actually grow a pair... and maybe McCain will be inspired with Sarah Palin's injection of fresh Conservative Testosterone into these late stages of this campaign.

Michael R. Bednarz

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gravitas- Obama just doesn't have it.

During the 2000 Presidential Election the Liberal Media went to bat for their favorite son, Democrat Albert Gore Jr. was the beneficiary of the Main Stream Media's blistering assault on the GOP nominee George W. Bush in a plainly conspicuous adoption of the Democratic Party talking points made against George Bush's lack of experience on foreign policy in particular, and meaningful life and world experience in general. The liberal main stream media hacks tore the page right out of the DNC play book and went right to work even adopting a word to use. A word that actually became rote, trite and so over-used in the Liberal media's effort to sabotage Bush in the polls and ultimately knock him out for the election. That word was "Gravitas" the Microsoft Encarta dictionary defines this latin word as: (- seriousness of behavior: a serious and solemn attitude or way of behaving or being of weight and consequence). This word was repeated over and over constantly for several weeks by the Broadcast and print MSM to reference Bush, and his Gravitas deficiency vs. the worldly and capable Al Gore.

This word was used so much in 2000 against Bush, and Americans were so sick of hearing it that it went out of common American usage and drifted into the obscurity until some future date when the DNC could launch it again upon the illiterate un-washed masses of dopey Red-State Americans who wouldn't know how to interpret it other than to attribute it's application and usage on Bush as being some serious and negative thing so dire in it's connotation; much like the ignorant stigma attached to the evil-sounding word Neo-Con.

But hey if a word fits in 2008, use it. I say it is high time the word is dusted off and put back into common American usage, and once again in the Political arena: this time to correctly portray a candidate who is truly sadly lacking.

Gravitas deficient. Barack Hussein Obama. They just seem to go together.

It is a word that is a perfect fit for the Democratic nominee. You see Americans just didn't swallow it for it's application that George W. Bush was lacking it in 2000. It didn't fit with a guy who created and ran several Oil Companies. It couldn't be applied to a nominee that saved, rejuvenated, and then very profitably sold a Major League Baseball Franchise. And, it certainly couldn't be applicable for a candidate that went on to defeat an incumbent Democrat Governor and then invigorated a huge state by unshackling a stifled Texas economy and replacing it with a thriving and growing economy larger than nearly half of the member National economies in the United Nations. Certainly it couldn't be used to accurately define George W. Bush in his solemn and serious responsibilities of deciding and signing crucial legislation or life and death pardons and death warrants.

American's saw through the silly attempt by the DNC and their MSM lackeys in the propaganda of the left in their effort to stick it on Bush. Unlike then, I think it is exactly what is festering in the back of American minds as they ponder what to do for President. Obama just doesn't have Gravitas. It is THE perfect word to describe what I have known for some time, and what I believe most American's are coming to realize now about the Democratic nominee; Barack Hussein Obama is an empty suit. Americans see it, especially now that he has the stage to himself. They see him in Forums and Town Hall meetings where your knowledge on the issues and the world are not hidden by prepared stump speeches and well managed photo ops. When he is put into these situations, he stutters, and struggles to find the right words, or thoughts. He is unsure and afraid that he may say the wrong thing, which to Barack seems to be anything that somebody might disagree with him on. So he says nothing,, nothing but platitudes about how we all need change and come together. This mirrors his history in the U.S. Senate and Illinois State Senate for his preference to vote "present" rather than take a stand.

Obama's Gravitas- where is it? What does it amount to? His depth of experience is as a Community Activist? A civil-rights lawyer and front man for radical organizations like the now defunct Marxist/Socialist "New Party" who would later become his friends, political patrons, and sponsors? Or as the legal defender and attorney for organizations like ACORN where he worked hard to defend their history and notorious reputation for voter fraud violations and crimes? As a back bencher in the Illinois Senate who formulated a decisive and courageous record of voting "present" more times than a definitive vote cast for "yea" or "nay"? Would his experience as a U.S. Senator provide the earnest depth for him to be worthy of the term? Well, maybe, but unlike most Senators, he has been more interested in running for an even higher office- than ever achieving, or accomplishing anything as a Senator to earn Gravitas in this capacity. Running for President may be an opportunity to earn Gravitas but in Tampa St. Petersburg a radical would-be Obama supporter took him to task by heckling him about not being engaged enough with the African/Latino community and issues. In this confrontation with a heckler Obama displayed a complete lack of Gravitas, stumbling, stuttering and stammering out some sort of response to a litany of offenses that he felt determined to convince this idiot that he Obama was REALLY on his side and very concerned about his plight and engaged in defending the record. It was as stupid as having a terrorist asking you what are you going to do to get my vote? I got problems, the government has cut back on my ability to get C4 and you haven't done anything about it... what are you going to do for me a terrorist to make my life better and easier? Then to legitimize the guys point and concerns by saying what you have done and will do to help him be a better terrorist, with the intent of garnering the vote with the pandering acceptance for the guys grievous concerns. If Obama can't handle this guy any better than to stammer, stutter and stumble at a Town Hall in Tampa St. Pete, how is he going to handle Putin when he invades the Ukraine, or when Mad Ahmed of Iran makes a move on Israel? Lack of Gravitas has consequences. Think hard and long about the Gravitas of McCain vs. Obama when you choose your leader America.

Is a lack of Gravitas also evidenced where you clinch your parties nomination and celebrate by going on a Worldwide Gravitas Acquisition tour to the Middle East and Europe? How is it that the 200,000 plus throngs of German's we saw on CNN and ABC see the Gravitas in Obama when we Americans see none of it? Are they really superior to us in their political appreciation of his greatness? Never fear, our American instincts about his fecklessness are justified!!! You see it could just be that all of our Main Stream Liberal Media sources like CNN, CBS, ABC, NY Times, etc. failed to share a simple and minor detail with American's. That little detail was that Obama's speech was sandwiched between two free concerts of the most popular rock and pop bands in Germany. So rest easy America, it was not European acumen that saw the Gravitas we Americans can't recognize filling a Soccer stadium up for Obama's speech. It certainly wasn't Gravitas that led him to make a decision to skip a visit with our wounded heroes in the Army hospital in favor of a Berlin shopping trip. Final result of the Obama Middle East/European Gravitas Acquisition tour? Z E R O. In fact, less than Zero. For his premature and forced quest for Gravitas, he went backwards, slipping to even or under McCain in the latest polls, at a time when historically the Democrat zooms to a lead at this point in the race. His only hope to stop the slide was to get out of Dodge and take a Hawaiian vacation. It seems when one is lacking in Gravitas, the best strategy is to not display the deficiency and keep out of sight, and shut your mouth.

But then disaster strikes. The Russians invade our ally Georgia over rogue breakaway provinces that Russia is trying to re-absorb into their borders. Obama is on vacation and issues a lightweight statement of neutrality calling on all parties to cease fighting and negotiate. This as Russian forces are dividing the country in half and pushing through Gori and heading toward the capital of Georgia proper. McCain came out forcefully, decisively and presidentially calling for the aggressor to stand down, remove forces or face American and European consequences in the European Union, and in future relations and security decisions. It could have been worse for Obama though. Luckily he had some advisor's that didn't let his press release out where he called for Russia to remove the troops around Atlanta and the ships blockading Savannah. OK, that is a joke, but it still probably gave you some pause as you question all his other examples of naiveties he has displayed in his quest for the worlds highest office. His call to unconditionally talk with Mad Ahmad of Iran. His desire to bomb Pakistani allies who walk a real tightrope being our allies in this War on Terror to get Taliban and Al Qaeda targets hiding there. His call to just leave Iraq two years ago and that Iraqi's would figure it out on their own by forcing their political reconciliation. Lets not forget of course his sage and expert opinion that the surge McCain was calling for at the time would lead to abject failure instead.

I do have to thank the Lib's for inundating me 8 years ago with the term Gravitas to the point where I would never forget it. I also wish to thank them for providing the perfect candidate to illustrate a real lack of Gravitas especially when compared to a candidate like John McCain where you will find his picture, right there in the dictionary when you look up Gravitas....as an example of someone with Gravitas.

Michael R. Bednarz

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My response to John McCain's appeal for support speech/email

Dear John,

You only have my vote for now. I will not donate any of my treasure, talents or labor until you have:

1. Demonstrably shown a commitment to securing our border, and then not allow amnesty or citizenship priority preference for illegal aliens. You talked the talk, but recently you have stumbled in your attempt to walk the walk. I am not convinced yet- please move me.

2. Recognized the need to expand our environmentally responsible domestic oil and energy production from known sources and reserves, especially those in ANWR and in our coastal areas like California and Florida (Where Castro is allowing Chinese oil producers to tap into our offshore reserves while we watch the ecco-commies blather on about Carbon emissions and changing to a "Green Collar" economy as I pay $55 bucks @ $4.95 a gallon diesel to fill a puny 13 gallon tank on my VW Jetta Diesel car. Part and parcel is also expanding any refining capacity necessary to mitigate any pressure on prices caused by inadequate capacity, and expanding environmentally responsible use of our coal, tar sand, nuclear, and other known technologies as we perfect and bring new ones on line such as Hybrid vehicles, Solar, Wind, Fuel Cells and Bio Fuels (generated from BIO MASS, not FOOD). We don't need a "summer tax holiday" we need more of our own friggin' oil! Oil that isn't coming from our "friends" in the Middle East, or our enemies in Venezuela, maybe it's high time that we attach conditions on our economic and military aid from these "friends" of ours throughout the world?

3. Scrap this insanity of wrecking our economic future for the fallacy of Global Warming with CAP and TRADE or any other Socialist type legislation.

4. Show sincere and steadfast commitment to making our tax cuts permanent on your newly acquired position on that issue.

What's it going to take to get me (and I think other like-minded Conservatives) lock-stock and barrell?

Show me more interest in these Conservative issues and principles that matter to this life-long and faithful Conservative voter than you showed to the Tree Huggers on your recent trip to my own state, pandering for the "Green Vote" in your organic bio-degradable official McCain Campaign clothing. I guarantee you not one vote in November will come of that whole performance.

Pardon my strident and frustrated tone, but damn you make it hard to love and support you sometimes. Let me say I respect you immensely on many levels. Your service and sacrifice to your nation; both militarily and legislatively. I have always admired your fiscally responsible stand on waste and spending- no earmarks ever! I even defend you here in Boeing land for your actions on the tanker leases. That is integrity. On limiting Governmental scope we can also agree. On your steadfast support for the War on Terror and your support of the Commander-in-Chief and those under his command in Iraq, Afghanistan, and every corner of the world where we are engaged.

I don't know how to describe it, but it's just like seeing a gorgeous lady sitting across the room at the high-school dance, catching her eye, moving toward her and finding her to be everything you ever wanted in a woman as you ask her for the next dance. You put your hand out to help lift her from her seat and bwwoooooooop..... she farts upon rising. Suddenly the perfection of her is tainted, the moment is lost. Hopefully, the air will clear and she/you can convince me once again that you are the one for me.


Michael R. Bednarz

A Leader We Can Believe In June 3, 2008
ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain delivered the following remarks as prepared for delivery tonight in New Orleans, LA: Good evening from the great city of New Orleans. Tonight, we can say with confidence the primary season is over, and the general election campaign has begun. I commend both Senators Obama and Clinton for the long, hard race they have run. Senator Obama has impressed many Americans with his eloquence and his spirited campaign. Senator Clinton has earned great respect for her tenacity and courage. The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans, and she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometimes received. As the father of three daughters, I owe her a debt for inspiring millions of women to believe there is no opportunity in this great country beyond their reach. I am proud to call her my friend. Pundits and party elders have declared that Senator Obama will be my opponent. He will be a formidable o ne. But I'm ready for the challenge, and determined to run this race in a way that does credit to our campaign and to the proud, decent and patriotic people I ask to lead.
Fact Sheet: A Leader We Can Believe In The decision facing Americans in this election couldn't be more important to the future security and prosperity of American families. This is, indeed, a change election. No matter who wins this election, the direction of this country is going to change dramatically. But, the choice is between the right change and the wrong change; between going forward and going backward. America has seen tough times before. We've always known how to get through them. And we've always believed our best days are ahead of us. I believe that still. But we must rise to the occasion, as we always have; change what must be changed; and make the future better than the past. The right change recognizes that many of the policies and institutions of our government have failed. They have failed to keep up with the challenges of our time because many of these policies were designed for the problems and opportunities of the mid to late 20th Century, before the end of the Cold War; before the revolution in information technology and rise of the global economy. The right kind of change will initiate widespread and innovative reforms in almost every area of government policy -- health care, energy, the environment, the tax code, our public schools, our transportation system, disaster relief, government spending and regulation, diplomacy, the military and intelligence services. Serious and far-reaching reforms are needed in so many areas of government to meet our own challenges in our own time. The irony is that Americans have been experiencing a lot of change in their lives attributable to these historic events, and some of those changes have distressed many American families -- job loss, failing schools, prohibitively expensive health care, pensions at risk, entitlement programs approaching bankruptcy, rising gas and food prices, to name a few. But your government often acts as if it is completely unaware of the changes and hardships in your lives. And when government does take notice, often it only makes matters worse. For too long, we have let history outrun our government's ability to keep up with it. The right change will stop impeding Americans from doing what they have always done: overcome every obstacle to our progress, turn challenges into opportunities, and by our own industry, imagination and courage make a better country and a safer world th an we inherited. To keep our nation prosperous, strong and growing we have to rethink, reform and reinvent: the way we educate our children; train our workers; deliver health care services; support retirees; fuel our transportation network; stimulate research and development; and harness new technologies. To keep us safe we must rebuild the structure and mission of our military; the capabilities of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies; the reach and scope of our diplomacy; the capacity of all branches of government to defend us. We need to strengthen our alliances, and preserve our moral credibility. We must also prepare, far better than we have, to respond quickly and effectively to a natural calamity. When Americans confront a catastrophe they have a right to expect basic competence from their government. Firemen and policemen should be able to communicate with each other in an emergency. We should be able to deliver bottled water to dehydrated babies and rescue the infirm from a hospital with no electricity. Our disgraceful failure to do so here in New Orleans exposed the incompetence of government at all levels to meet even its most basic responsibilities. The wrong change looks not to the future but to the past for solutions that have failed us before and will surely fail us again. I have a few years on my opponent, so I am surprised that a young man has bought in to so many failed ideas. Like others before him, he seems to think government is the answer to every problem; that government should take our resources and make our decisions for us. That type of change doesn't trust Americans to know what is right or what is in their own best interests. It's the attitude of politicians who are sure of themselves but have little faith in the wisdom, decency and common sense of free people. That attitude created the unresponsive bureaucracies of big government in the first place. And that's not change we can believe in. You will hear from my opponent's campaign in every speech, every interview, every press release that I'm running for President Bush's third term. You will hear every policy of the President described as the Bush-McCain policy. Why does Senator Obama believe it's so important to repeat that idea over and over again? Because he knows it's very difficult to get Americans to believe something they know is false. So he tries to drum it into your minds by constantly repeating it rather than debate honestly the very different directions he and I would take the country. But the American people didn't get to know me yesterday, as they are just getting to know Senator Obama. They know I have a long record of bipartisan problem solving. They've seen me put our country before any President -- before any party -- before any special interest -- before my own interest. They might think me an imperfect servant of our country, which I surely am. But I am her servant first, last and always. I have worked with the President to keep our nation safe. But he and I have not seen eye to eye on many issues. We've disagreed over the conduct of the war in Iraq and the treatment of detainees; over out of control government spending and budget gimmicks; over energy policy and climate change; over defense spending that favored defense contractors over the public good. I disagreed strongly with the Bush administration's mismanagement of the war in Iraq. I called for the change in strategy that is now, at last, succeeding where the previous strategy had failed miserably. I was criticized for doing so by Republicans. I was criticized by Democrats. I was criticized by the press. But I don't answer to them. I answer to you. And I would be ashamed to admit I knew what had to be done in Iraq to spare us from a defeat that would endanger us for years, but I kept quiet because it was too politically hard for me to do. No ambition is more important to me than the security of the country I have defended all my adult life. Senator Obama opposed the new strategy, and, after promising not to, voted to deny funds to the soldiers who have done a brilliant and brave job of carrying it out. Yet in the last year we have seen the success of that plan as violence has fallen to a four year low; Sunni insurgents have joined us in the fight against al Qaeda; the Iraqi Army has taken the lead in places once lost to Sunni and Shia extremists; and the Iraqi Government has begun to make progress toward political reconciliation. None of this progress would have happened had we not changed course over a year ago. And all of this progress would be lost if Senator Obama had his way and began to withdraw our forces from Iraq without concern for conditions on the ground and the advice of commanders in the field. Americans ought to be concerned about the judgment of a presidential candidate who says he's ready to talk, in person and without conditions, with tyrants from Havana to Pyongyang, but hasn't traveled to Iraq to meet with General Petraeus, and see for himself the progress he threatens to reverse. I know Americans are tired of this war. I don't oppose a reckless withdrawal from Iraq because I'm indifferent to the suffering war inflicts on too many American families. I hate war. And I know very personally how terrible its costs are. But I know, too, that the course Senator Obama advocates could draw us into a wider war with even greater sacrifices; put peace further out of reach, and Americans back in harm's way. I take America's economic security as seriously as I do her physical security. For eight years the federal government has been on a spending spree that added trillions to the national debt. It spends more and more of your money on programs that have failed again and again to keep up with the changes confronting American families. Extravagant spending on things that are not the business of government indebts us to other nations; fuels inflation; raises interest rates; and encourages irresponsibility. I have opposed wasteful spending by both parties and the Bush administration. Senator Obama has supported it and proposed more of his own. I want to freeze discretionary spending until we have completed top to bottom reviews of all federal programs to weed out failing ones. Senator Obama opposes that reform. I opposed subsidies that favor big business over small farmers and tariffs on imported products that have greatly increased the cost of food. Senator Obama supports these billions of dollars in corporate subsidies and the tariffs that have led to rising grocery bills for American families. That's not change we can believe in. No problem is more urgent today than America's dependence on foreign oil. It threatens our security, our economy and our environment. The next President must be willing to break completely with the energy policies not just of the Bush Administration, but the administrations that preceded his, and lead a great national campaign to put us on a course to energy independence. We must unleash the creativity and genius of Americans, and encourage industries to pursue alternative, non-polluting and renewable energy sources, where demand will never exceed supply. Senator Obama voted for the same policies that created the problem. In fact, he voted for the energy bill promoted by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, which gave even more breaks to the oil industry. I opposed it because I know we won't achieve energy independence by repeating the mistakes of the last half century. That's not change we can believe in. With forward thinking Democrats and Republicans, I proposed a climate change policy that would greatly reduce our dependence on oil. Our approach was opposed by President Bush, and by leading Democrats, and it was defeated by opposition from special interests that favor Republicans and those that favor Democrats. Senator Obama might criticize special interests that give more money to Republicans. But you won't often see him take on those that favor him. If America is going to achieve energy independence, we need a President with a record of putting the nation's interests before the special interests of either party. I have that record. Senator Obama does not. Senator Obama proposes to keep spending money on programs that make our problems worse and create new ones that are modeled on big government programs that created much of the fiscal mess we are in. He plans to pay for these increases by raising taxes on seniors, parents, small business owners and every American with even a modest investment in the market. He doesn't trust us to make decisions for ourselves and wants the government to make them for us. And that's not change we can believe in. Senator Obama thinks we can improve health care by driving Americans into a new system of government orders, regulations and mandates. I believe we can make health care more available, affordable and responsive to patients by breaking from inflationary practices, insurance regulations, and tax policies that were designed generations ago, and by giving families more choices over their care. His plan represents the old ways of government. Mine trusts in the common sense of the American people. Senator Obama pretends we can address the loss of manufacturing jobs by repealing trade agreements and refusing to sign new ones; that we can build a stronger economy by limiting access to our markets and giving up access to foreign markets. The global economy exists and is not going away. We either compete in it or we lose more jobs, more businesses, more dreams. We lose the future. He's an intelligent man, and he must know how foolish it is to think Americans can remain prosperous without opening new markets to our goods and services. But he feels he must defer to the special interests that support him. That's not change we can believe in. Lowering trade barriers to American goods and services creates more and better jobs; keeps inflation under control; keeps interest rates low; and makes more goods affordable to more Americans. We won't compete successfully by using old technology to produce old goods. We'll succeed by knowing what to produce and inventing new technologies to produce it. We are not people who believe only in the survival of the fittest. Work in America is more than a paycheck; it a source of pride, self-reliance and identity. But making empty promises to bring back lost jobs gives nothing to the unemployed worker except false hope. That's not change we can believe in. Reforming from top to bottom unemployment insurance and retraining programs that were designed for the 1950s, making use of our community colleges to train people for new opportunities will help workers who've lost a job that won't come back, find a job that won't go away. My friends, we're not a country that would rather go back than forward. We're the world's leader, and leaders don't hide from history. They make history. But if we're going to lead, we have to reform a government that has lost its ability to help us do so. The solution to our problems isn't to reach back to the 1960s and 70s for answers. In just a few years in office, Senator Obama has accumulated the most liberal voting record in the Senate. But the old, tired, big government policies he seeks to dust off and call new won't work in a world that has changed dramatically since they were last tried and failed. That's not change we can believe in. The sweeping reforms of government we need won't occur unless we change the political habits of Washington that have locked us in an endless cycle of bickering and stalemate. Washington is consumed by a hyper-partisanship that treats every serious issue as an opportunity to trade insults; impugn each other's motives; and fight about the next election. This is the game Washington plays. Both parties play it, as do the special interests that support each side. The American people know it's not on the level. For all the problems we face, what frustrates them most about Washington is they don't think we're capable of serving the public interest before our personal ambitions; that we fight for ourselves and not for them. They are sick of the politics of selfishness, stalemate and delay, and they have every right to be. We have to change not only government policies that have failed them, but the political culture that produced them. Both Senator Obama and I promise we will end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. But one of us has a record of working to do that and one of us doesn't. Americans have seen me put aside partisan and personal interests to move this country forward. They haven't seen Senator Obama do the same. For all his fine words and all his promise, he has never taken the hard but right course of risking his own interests for yours; of standing against the partisan rancor on his side to stand up for our country. He is an impressive man, who makes a great first impression. But he hasn't been willing to make the tough calls; to challenge his party; to risk criticism from his supporters to bring real change to Washington. I have. When members of my party refused to compromise not on principle but for partisanship, I have sought to do so. When I fought corruption it didn't matter to me if the culprits were Democrats or Republicans. I exposed it and let the chips fall where they may. When I worked on campaign finance and ethics reform, I did so with Democrats and Republicans, even though we were criticized by other members of our parties, who preferred to keep things as they were. I have never refused to work with Democrats simply for the sake of partisanship. I've always known we belong to different parties, not different countries. We are Americans before we are anything else. I don't seek the presidency on the presumption I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need. I seek the office with the humility of a man who cannot forget my country saved me. I'll reach out my hand to anyone, Republican or Democrat, who will help me change what needs to be changed; fix what needs to be fixed; and give this country a government as capable and good as the people it is supposed to serve. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected President, the era of the permanent campaign of the last sixteen years will end. The era of reform and problem solving will begin. From my first day in office, I'll work with anyone to make America safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit as long as America gets the benefit. I have seen Republicans and Democrats achieve great things together. When the stakes were high and it mattered most, I've seen them work together in common purpose, as we did in the weeks after September 11th. This kind of cooperation has made all the difference at crucial turns in our history. It has given us hope in difficult times. It has moved America forward. And that, my friends, is the kind of change we need right now.

Thank you.

John McCain

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

McCain needs to stay on the Conservative path to the White House

What is John McCain thinking by pandering to these Eco-Commies?

As a Ronald Reagan Conservative I have had severe reservations in supporting John McCain but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and following the Super-Tuesday clinching asked other like-minded and disappointed Conservatives to buck up as Republicans united and do the same. But, with his recent comments and expressed views on Global Warming I can almost see no difference between him and the Eco-Commies trying to push their Global Warming Alarmist agenda down our throats in their zeal to blow up our economy and global human progress with their folly. Only this week the Eco-Commie intelligentsia had to back pedal and admit that global warming is stopped and now is static. They point out that the Earths ocean currents are adjusting to stabilize the climate change. WHAT!? Mother nature fixing and correcting itself? How could this be? The science that global warming is human caused is not settled and the so-called "consensus" is a myth.

Given all this John McCain has found it necessary to pander to these Eco-commies and their pro- Mommy Earth, anti-human and human progress stagnating agenda. John McCain, listen to me please......THEY WILL NEVER VOTE FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE "GREEN" ON GLOBAL WARMING AS AN ISSUE. They are so far left on most every other issue besides it, that you are wasting your time, treasure and life-force for them and worse yet you are driving Conservatives like me away from the kind of enthusiastic support, financial aid, and maybe even the November votes you must have. PLEASE STOP IT. We Conservatives are much more important than a couple of rag-wool sock wearing lib's from Seattle! You will lose at least 1000 Conservative voters for every Global Warming vote you pull in with this ill-advised positioning and pandering. You started the same thing last week on comments toward Immigration policy, please learn your lesson. Don't pander for the audience of the moment or the Zip code.

About the only thing John said in his comments that I agree is correct policy was about increasing our Nuclear Energy production.

John, you need to be bold and come out in favor of ANWR drilling, and off-shore domestic oil production done in an environmentally responsible manner off California, and Florida's Gulf Coast. Cuba has recently contracted with Chinese oil producers to drill and extract oil offshore and right against our international border with them in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida. They will be tapping into reserves that run under our territory and will be extracting it in a partnership for the communist Castro regime. What the hell is going on here? We would rather pay $4.00, 5.00, or even $6.00++ a gallon for gas and diesel by not tapping that resource, but allow some Communist Chinese oil company with an unknown and probably non-existent track record for environmentally safe and responsible offshore drilling to extract oil that is arguably ours? Why would we Americans allow this Congress or any future president in this Energy market to drain oil out from our own available reserves instead of having our American Oil Companies with their knowledge, skill, and environmental expertise do it for we Americans? This is where the Eco-Commies and the Democratic leadership are leading us, away from the light of common sense in energy independence and into the darkness of our "environmentally enlightened" ruin.

These Democrats and Eco-Commies with their Anti-Oil, anti-drilling, anti-refinery policies (they have effectively used environmental impact and stifling regulations to prevent the building of any new refineries or capacity in over 30 years in the U.S.) are responsible for our current energy crisis and lack of energy independence. We must reverse this trend, and fast.

Don't buy their non-sense about Arctic refuge oil making only a few cents per gallon difference in the price of gasoline we pay at the pump. These are the same people that tell you that they will solve the problem with Ethanol and Solar panels. I see hundreds of cars, trucks and SUV's going by me all day long that have "FlexFuel" or "Ethanol" badges on them. I have NEVER EVER seen a pump or station anywhere in my travels where I could fill my car up with ethanol, have you?

We all agree that Hybrid vehicles and new emerging technologies like wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cells are extremely promising for our energy independence and for the environmental good. We can all stand united in support of that. These technologies show great promise for our future, but they are going to take time to replace our current and crucial demand for fossil fuels. While we perfect these, we must protect our economic vitality by providing stable and affordable oil for our domestic consumption, to do that we must find our own domestic supplies of known, proven, and conventional energy sources as we wean ourselves over to these newly perfected technologies and sources.

Beware that sometimes in our zeal to save mommy earth we can do more harm than good. Our rush toward Ethanol and Bio-Fuel is a perfect example of that. When this stampede for bio-fuel, primarily Ethanol, began several years ago I recall asking myself out loud... What will this do to food resources and prices? Certainly Archer-Daniels Midland wasn't asking this as they pressed their new friends in Congress to support their legislation promoting Ethanol (this industry is granted an exemption from fuel taxes, granting them huge advantages in pricing/profit against petro-fuels). These liberal lackeys so quick to criticize big oil gave away the store to Agri-Fuel conglomerates in a stampede to save mommy earth. These liberal eco-commies and Democrats in the "new uber-ethical Congress" with their newly swollen campaign coffers swoon and bask in their "Green is Good" cloak of absolution with their most honorable quest to save Mommy Earth; but now the worlds poor may starve. I guess they will worry about "solving" that problem later.

In our efforts to grow energy instead of food in our fields we have inflated the cost of food and thereby reduced the available arable land for food production. Further, these increased costs for grain and basic food commodities are impacting citizens greatly in nations even with great wealth like ours; but catastrophic consequences are beginning to emerge in the poor nations and economies of the third world. Grain prices and commodities like Wheat, Corn, Rice and Soy are skyrocketing and with these prices rising so goes the costs for the feed needed for Poultry, Pork, and Beef producers; not to mention the increasing fuel expense for their tractors, machinery, and transportation. It's a vicious circle and in the short term we must increase our supply of domestically produced oil, gas, coal and other fossil fuel and also we need to invest into building up the refining capacity necessary to perfect the crude into finished fuels. We can do this as we provide great incentives to expedite the emerging technologies to ensure our future energy needs.

We need leadership in the tradition of Ronald Reagan that clearly identifies the obvious problem and addresses that problem in a clear, concise, and simple manner with determined resolve and action. Such is the case with our current energy crisis. More supply from domestic sources. Most of America will vote for the candidate that delivers that message.

John McCain will not win by appealing to Liberal anti-carbon, and anti-oil, liberal elitist Eco-Commies that have adopted the religion and concept of "Mommy earth forever and people.....whatever?" McCain will win by leading America to it's inherently conservative nature and love of common-sense "here's what we gotta do to git 'er done" problem solving.

John McCain, you are straying from the Conservative path. Here is your wake-up call. Please don't ignore it.

Michael R. Bednarz