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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Rush Limbaugh will One-Up them every time.
Rush is just too smart for them. The Democrats seized on an opportunity to "get Rush" and grabbed the headlines and the attention of the Drive-By media publicizing their "gotcha" on Rush (no doubt for their monthly act of indentured servitude to for some comments that were twisted out of context like pretzels into supposed anti-soldier comments by the Rushmeister. Rallying from this comment they devoted an entire day of the U.S. Senate business to draft a letter of condemnation, gathering the signatures of all the Senate Leadership and a total of 40 United States Senators (every one a Democrat) capping this serious work of government with a day of libelous and defamatory oration on the floor of the U.S. Senate against a radio commentators remarks. Comments that they knew to be falsely taken out of all context in which they were made. Rush was referring to Jesse MacBeth during a conversation with a caller into his show.
Rush has now decided to put the letter from the Senate Leadership and Partisan Senators (they couldn't find ONE Republican to join them in this charade) to good use. He won't even be using it as bird cage liner.
Rush Limbaugh has served as a long time Director and advocate for the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation whose mission is the education of the children of fallen Marines and Law Enforcement personnel. This charity provides scholarships and educational grants and assistance totaling over $29 million to date in the 12 years since it's inception.
Rush Limbaugh has placed the letter up for an Ebay auction. All proceeds from it's sale go toward the charity fund, and Rush has challenged each signer of the letter to show their support for our troops and police officers by each matching the dollar amount that the letter sells for. Surely this would as Rush points out, give tangible proof of their "support for the troops" more than attacking Rush, as the drug-crazed Chicken-Hawk, on the floor of the U.S. Senate would it not?
Here is the Ebay listing for the Rush Limbaugh Smear letter from Dimwit Senators- ORIGINAL
If the Dingy Harry and the DimDems take him up on his challenge and using the current bid price of the letter @ $44,300.00 x 40 signers that raises a princely $1,772,000 for this worthy charity.
What about the "phony soldier" Jesse MacBeth? He's currently in prison serving time for Veterans Affair Department fraud. The astute bloggers and folks with REAL military backgrounds exposed him for the fraud that he was. He was NEVER a Ranger. NEVER killed 30+ Iraqi Civilians in a night. NEVER killed 200+ Iraqi's himself. He NEVER served in Iraq.
He WAS booted out of boot camp after only 44 days. He WAS a useful idiot for the anti-war left and there is evidence that they knew it all along. Further, his video "confession" has been circulated throughout the Islamic world, where corrections to it's inaccuracy are not desired in any way shape or form. The damage of his fraud has been done.
Just imagine for a minute that they win the White House in 2008. God help us.
Michael R. Bednarz
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Roberta Katherine (Bobbie) Bednarz- January 22nd, 1932 - October 1st, 2007.
We handed over my loving mother Roberta to Gods grace on Monday morning October 1st, 2007. She passed away peacefully at home with her loving,devoted husband Charles and family a week after suffering a pulmonary embolism, a complication from the later stages of the Alzheimer's she battled valiantly for 15 years.
Born Roberta Katherine Jackson on January 22nd, 1932 in Palo Alto, California. "Bobbie" grew up with a passion for horses. She was very active in 4H and Rodeo events and was a frequent Rodeo Queen. Mother was also active in High School activities. She was a Cheerleader at Palo Alto High and the young beauty was very popular with her classmates.
Mom was such a loving, caring and incredibly generous woman. She lived her life and loved those around her with such a passion. Mom was a woman of a strong but quiet faith, active in her church and its activities, and always keeping her personal relationship with God close to her heart.
She was always there for us growing up, Mom didn’t believe that staying home and raising her children was a sacrifice; she believed it was her loving and honorable mission and duty in life. Bobbie was such a wonderful mother, and often times an incredible father as well.
After they married and had two daughters Christine and Lori, they moved to
When Christine went to college and Lori was older, mom decided to volunteer at a local nursing home during our school hours. She used to make Greg and I go with her to visit the residents there in our early teens. At first we hated it, but soon we would ask her when we were going to visit our “Grandma’s and Grandpa’s” at the home. Mom had such love and compassion for these residents, in one of God's many ironies; she would receive the same love, care, and compassion that she provided over 30 years earlier in God's great circle. Mom would eventually become the Activities Director there in a paid position, but the increasing hours and responsibilities of her new job collided with the increasing unsupervised mischief of her boys as evidenced by a neighbor’s picture window shattered by our BB gun. So, she gave it up when she thought it affected her attention to her family, returning to part-time volunteer work. I really think though that she took more away from the experience when she believed she was giving fully of her own generosity of time and labor and by accepting pay honorable as the work was; it was somehow diminished in her eyes.
Mom provided us with great structure and disciplined love. Mom was strict, but fair. She was diligent in teaching us right and wrong. Mom always had us in Church on Sundays. She was resolved that her discipline would be tempered and always come from her love for us. I could always tell when I did something wrong, it was when I heard my FULL name….Michael R o b e r t Bednarz, through that strong, protruding chin in what we called the “Jackson Jaw”. My first recollection of it was when I was about 3 or 4 and she discovered the empty St. Joseph Children’s aspirin bottle that I had carefully and fairly doled all the tasty little orange flavored morsels contents of between my brother and I. (I had already learned the importance of sharing from mom you see) One for you, one for me, one for you, one for…... I was pretty young, but I still recall the horrific taste of Ipecac syrup and how those little orange candies didn’t taste nearly as good traveling the other way. I also heard my full name, once again in