I would like to close with a press release by Nancy Pelosi in August, 2003 on Budget Deficits.
Pelosi Statement on New CBO Budget Estimate (from her own Congressional Website) http://www.house.gov/pelosi/workincongress/statements/August03/CBObudget082503.html August 26, 2003 "President Bush has presided over a loss of more than 3 million jobs and a $9 trillion decline in our nation's fiscal health -- from the $5.6 trillion surplus he inherited from President Clinton to a $3.5 trillion and growing deficit today. The deficits that the CBO predicts for the next two years are the largest in history, and the forecast makes clear that they are not going away. "Where does it end? The President does not have a plan to bring the budget back into balance. He continues to promote tax cuts for the wealthy that we cannot afford, sticking our children with the bill. Every penny he adds to the debt, our children will have to repay with interest. "Today's CBO estimate would be shocking if it were not so predictable from this Administration." |
Nancy Pelosi was mostly right then. She makes the Democrat often repeated falsehood of citing a non-existent Clinton Budget surplus as though this projected surplus of the out years in Clinton's budget like it was sitting in the Treasury. It never existed because that projection never forecast what the nation suffered with the Dot.Com collapse in 2000 thereby wiping out 3 Trillion in wealth. Bush, like Obama also inherited a recession and budget/spending outlays of a predecessor to contend with. He accepted the responsibility and led. Then came 9/11. How quickly we forget the layoffs and economic upheaval of every sector of our economy? People stopped traveling, buying cars, and business responded with huge layoffs and cutbacks. Bush found himself engaged in a Worldwide War on Terror with an enemy that had challenged us on our own soil in a way we had never experienced in our History.
Yes, he spent to engage the enemy, whenever and wherever necessary. He spent to bolster our safety and security right here at home.
In many respects with 9/11 and the horror of that attack freshly seared into America's psyche and the uncertainty of what else would come after it, Bush had greater challenges to face than Obama.
The difference was how he solved the challenges and bombshells dropped on his economy. He slashed the tax rates for every American across the board. And he unleashed the Economic engine of our Private sector, Corporations, Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs. He unshackled the indomitable spirit of Americans to do what they always have done, rise to a challenge. And it worked. He added millions of new jobs, and saved millions more. His policies generated terrific revenue increases and personal/governmental wealth generation and economic growth.
Bush fell down when it came to spending restraint. He failed to cut or hold non-war/security related spending in line. In that respect he failed miserably against the fiscal Conservatism that his party and Conservatives have always stood for. His Congress controlled by Republicans were no better putting budgets laden with pork and earmarks before his pen. But even on Bush's worst day, he will never be as good as Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Geithner when it comes to spending. In just two months of this Coalition of the Clueless, led by Obama, they have put more spending and deficits on the books on the way to the tune of 12.5 Trillion than George W. Bush did in his entire 8 years of his Presidency. Bush was in full- blown War mode footing at the time.
Yet today the budget deficits and spending Pelosi criticized when not Speaker, are now all of the sudden okay? They are O.K. evidently only if they are TRIPLE or QUADRUPLE what Bush had done? Pelosi ignores truth now for her political agendas expediency because she is intoxicated with power. Her statement above shows what a liar she and her party have become. They have one goal in mind to achieve and it is obvious they intend to do so at any and all costs; to make Government the central authority and provider in American lives. Socialization of our Economic, Business,Governmental, Social, Health, Energy, Environmental and Entitlement arenas are their ultimate goal of attainment. They are well on their way to stripping us of our liberty with a tyranny of lunacy unless Americans wake up and stop it cold.